Rambler's Top100

Plan  of a Ostashkov large  village of 1766 (98,5 КВ   JPEG)  



Ostashkov's plan of 2005.
With the indication of memorable places    (185 КВ GIF 50x86 cm)


Ostashkov's plan of 2005. With the indikation of Shops (183 Kb GIF)




  Осташков.Ру - озеро Селигер и город Осташков


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  About Ostashkov and rest on Seliger-lake






      This site is devoted to unforgettable places of Valdai hills - to city to Ostashkov and lake Seliger. On pages of a site there are many photos, therefore some pages through the modem can long be loaded, but I hope, that it will not stop you. All pages have musical support. I wish you pleasant viewing. All remarks and offers leave at  in the guest book. Constructive criticism is welcomed. References to your Internets - resources are possible. Write by e-mail. From 09.01.2005 at you the unique opportunity completely free-of-charge has appeared to merge from a site Ostashkov's qualitative plans, the request to not use them in commercial objectives. Placing plans for the sites, the reference on http://www.ostashkow.narod.ru is obligatory, as well as at copying other materials.  Please, excuse my English!

The author of photos, Ostashkov's plans and the WEB-designer of site

Romil Fedorov.


      The city Ostashkov is located on Valdai hills in territory of woods and the lakes, largest of which, the lake Seliger was formed during last congelation. The city is located on peninsula and washed by lake from three parties(sides). The population of city is made now about 24 thousand by person. During Soviet time the population reached(achieved) 30 thousand person., that Ostashkov unfortunately is necessary to recognize, as well as practically all Russia gradually dies out. Every year the number of ancient buildings in city which gradually collapse decreases also.
     It is considered to be date of the basis of city of Ostashkov 1371 though to modern city this date has only indirect attitude(relation). In 1371 not modern Ostashkov, and the small town Klichen which is taking place on the same island and completely burnt novgoroders in 1393 for the first time is mentioned. On a legend the staying inhabitants of a small town have moved on territory of modern city. A mention of settlements in modern Ostashkov's territory fall to 1477. The name "Ostashkov" on the modern language is translated doubly: 1. " Ostashko " - a nickname of fisherman Evstafija, first man in this territory, 2. Ostashkov - the rest, that remained from ruined small town Klichen. Ostashkov has received the status of city under the decree of queen Ekaterina Velikoj on May, 28, 1770, and the arms has been granted to city to the highest decree on April, 2, 1772. Since 1784 Ostashkov is built up with houses under the new general plan, streets and on which cross lanes each other perpendicularly. This building is kept in an old part of city and to this day. In city numerous constructions of 18-19 centuries as Ostashkov few(not enough,poorly) ball mention war with fascist aggressors though the first line of defense passed on the western coast of lake Seliger were kept. City bombed and fired it is not enough, basically impacts of the enemy fell to railway station.

In Ostashkov with 1805 there is an amateur theatre, one of the oldest in Russia. Since 1833 the public library, the oldest in district cities of Russia is open. On memoirs of writer Sleptsov repeatedly coming in Ostashkov in 19 century, in city there was a lot of a competent population and even carriers read books. In 1843 in city the oldest is created in Russia a voluntary fire-fighting crew which building till now is used to destination (Photo at the left). Streets of city have been paved by a stone, here and there the rests of these stone roadways were kept till now. In Ostashkov long since there are two basic kinds of employment of the population - manufacture of leather and fishing. Manufacture of leather demanded presence of water, therefore originally skinneries settled down on northern extremity of peninsula.


    People long since settled on coast of Seliger. Numerous archeological finds show, that this edge(territory)
has been populated enough 4-5 more millenia back. If you had a rest on Seliger too had an opportunity to find on coast of this lake a tip stone a spear, a scraper or any other certificate of density of population of this edge(territory) in an extreme antiquity. Now coast of lake during a summer season are densely populated with tourists from different уголков our country. Archeologists of the future will by all means find here incalculable certificates of their stay as empty cans, a beaten glass and other dust, in an abundance left by modern savages on the most beautiful coast of this lake. To data of those who throws dust - metal is kept in ground some centuries, and glass and modern plastic materials can not collapse thousand years. Whether better to clean(remove) behind itself, leaving descendants this fine a place of the ground clean? Many thanks to everyone who exactly and acts!
      The height of Seliger above sea level makes about 205 meters, the sizes of lake make 67 kilometers from the north on the south and about 37 kilometers
from the West on the east. The lake Seliger is not one lake, and the whole system of the lakes named reaches which are connected among themselves by channels. Everywhere on Seliger islands, most beautiful of which Hachin, Horodomlya and Klichen are scattered. Depth of lake reaches(achieves) 24 meters, but a part of reaches rather shallow. Not looking at efforts of indigenous population, tourists and poachers in lake the fish who, according to city dwellers, strongly becomes shallow till now is found. If in 1814 the fish in weight in 6 kgs was ordinary business, and also copies in weight of 8-10 kg in 1880 usual was лещ in 3 kg quite often came across. Nowadays the fish in weight in 1,5 kgs is considered success.
From different directions Seliger is surrounded with woods, among which the century pine pine forests rich on mushrooms and berries have huge value.
But roofing felts the climate has changed, roofing felts wishing to engage in silent hunting began more, mushrooms in usual places for them all comes across less and less. Last fruitful year on white mushrooms was 1998, in 2003 within several weeks was a smart crop of aspen mushrooms. Basically the last some years mushroom to name it is impossible. Even if the summer costs(stands) crude and warm, mushrooms are not always. The crop of berries directly depends on weather in May - at presence of strong frosts of the big crop it does not happen.                                         


Ostashkov from peninsula Zhitnoe







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<a href="http://www.ostashkow.narod.ru/" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.ostashkow.narod.ru/image/banost.gif" width="100" height="38" border="0" alt="г.Осташков, озеро Селигер" ></a>



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